0152 066 29 001 info@conversial.de

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Fast and reliable certified translations

Translations for formal and official verification purposes:

  • Documents (birth, marriage or death certificates)
  • Certificates of no impediment
  • Academic certificates (school reports and diplomas)
  • General certificates
  • Contracts
  • Court rulings and documents of legal proceedings, among others

The translation will be accompanied by a stamp, the signature, and personal declaration of the translator, certifying it to be an exact and accurate representation of the original document.

We treat all documents as confidential, always exercising discretion.

What is a certified translation?

A certified translation is produced by a state-approved or sworn translator who has taken a general oath at a district court or higher regional court in Germany and provided with a certification statement, a round seal and the translator’s signature.

The most frequently translated documents include: birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, certificates of no impediment, diplomas, contracts, notarial deeds, and many more.

What are the common uses of a certified translation?

Clients may need certified translations for many reasons. Procedures with government entities (e.g. applying for a visa, obtaining a driver’s license, claiming public benefits) often require certified translations.

Similarly, legal proceedings, both civil (e.g. adoption, divorce) and criminal, may demand certified translations.

Educational institutions also require foreign candidates to submit certified translations of application documents (e.g. diplomas, transcripts.)